
  • Two methods of producing lead oxide powder

    Lead oxide powder is the main raw material for producing active substance of lead battery plate. Lead oxide powder manufacturing is an important step in battery production. The performance of lead oxide powder directly affects the quality of paste and plate, and then affects the battery capacity ...
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  • How to choose  yellow lead oxide ?

    How to choose yellow lead oxide ?

    Can you judge the quality of yellow lead by its color? Dark yellow ,orange ,yellow ? You guesss ,which one could be better ? In fact the colour of litharge is not the standard of quality . There are many factors which influences its colour, for example , temperature, process technology, lead ingo...
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  • Towards of understanding of red lead in lead acid batteries

    Towards of understanding of red lead in lead acid batteries

    The use of red lead in the positive active material for pasted and tubular plates almost disappeared for several decades in China. Nowadays some battery manufacturers have used it again for reducing formation time and improving the deep discharge performance of batteries.Base on this background s...
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  • Comparison of  Lead salt stabilizer and Calcium Zinc stabilizer

    Comparison of Lead salt stabilizer and Calcium Zinc stabilizer

    1.Advantages of Lead salt stabilizer: FIRST: Both thermal stability and lubricity, especially good long-term thermal stability; SECOND: good electrical insulation and weather resistance; THIRD: low price; FOURTH: good processing performance suitable for various processes; Disadvantages: 1) can no...
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  • Now that battery technology is so advanced, why are lead-acid batteries still used in cars?

    Now that battery technology is so advanced, why are lead-acid batteries still used in cars?

      How old are lead-acid batteries?It was invented in 1859 by G.Plante, a Frenchman. It has a history of 160 years.In 1927 German company Bosch developed the lead-acid battery for cars. Since it was applied to cars, the technology has hardly changed. Lead acid battery for car battery commonly...
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  • Њисобот оид ба ӯҳда саноатӣ кислотаи бозори батарея Research 2019 таҳлил ва Дурнамои Барои соли 2023

    Њисобот оид ба ӯҳда саноатӣ кислотаи бозори батарея Research 2019 таҳлил ва Дурнамои Барои соли 2023

    LEAD саноатӣ кислотаи бозори батарея 2018: Global саноати аќидањои аз тарафи Бозингарони Global, минтақавӣ сегментатсия, Афзоиши, Барномаҳо, Ронандагон асосї, арзиши ва пешбинї то 2024 Ҳисоботи ҳам иттилооти миќдорию сифатї, сурб саноатӣ дар бозори ҷаҳонӣ кислотаи батарея барои давраи таъмин ...
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  • Ариза Аз оксиди LEAD Red

    Ариза Аз оксиди LEAD Red

    ба ӯҳда сурх асосан дар батареяҳо истифода бурда мешавад, низ дар пиротехникӣ барои oxidants ва catalysts; дар соњаи саноат Ранг, аз сифати пигмент зидди занг истифода бурда мешавад; Дар саноати шиша, ки барои беҳтар намудани хосиятҳои оптикӣ ва ҳифзи радиатсионӣ .Дар саноат сирдор, ҳамчун флюс ба кам кардани нуқтаи обшавии glaze, сатҳи т ...
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  • Ариза Оф Litharge

    Ариза Оф Litharge

    Litharge аст пигмент истифода бурда мерасонад сафед, қабули собун роҳбарӣ adjuvant металлургии, ранг drier, маводи сафолї, суръатфизо резинӣ vulcanization, ҳашарот, ба ӯҳда намак пластикӣ моддӣ stabilizer (TBLS, DBLP), ба ӯҳда маводи саноати шиша, саноати намак ӯҳда material.Small фосилавї маблағи ки ...
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  • Худшиносӣ-чек ва Таъмир Барои оксиди ӯҳда Таҷҳизот

    Худшиносӣ-чек ва Таъмир Барои оксиди ӯҳда Таҷҳизот

    Муоинаи ПЕШ АЗ КОР тафтиш ҳамаи қисмҳои таҷҳизоти оксиди ӯҳда барои abrasion ё қисмҳои damage.Check оё fasteners қатъии ҳастанд, кунед, ки оё дастгоҳи боздорӣ, ки ҳассос аст, ва ҳеҷ молидан phenomenon.Check барои молиданї хуб нест ва ё илова равцан. Намуди зоҳирии бадан ва автомобилӣ бояд тоза бошад, ...
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